Dear Tromic,
I must say that I find your kits really clever! You use the exisiting parts and only add the adapter, cone, slider and o'ring to the gun. I like the slider design very much as well.
However, I have some doubts regarding the o'ring endurance when sooting big fish. I see it too much exposed to the bones and scales. Has it been tested under such conditions?
My other doubt is the cone integrity when impacting with the shaft butt. When I used pneumatic spearguns (long time ago

), I remember that after some time, the ring below the slider jammed against the shaft butt due to repetitive impacts. Your cone is very slim, hence probably not so rugged to withstand abuse. At that time, I used a Mares Sten 115 very pumped (I didní‚´t use a gage at that time, but was hard, very hard to load).
Anyway, for Mediterranean fish I find it a really nice system and by no way seems to be a copy of anything I have seen before.

Me gusta y no me parece una copia. Tengo dudas de la integridad de la tórica al impactar con escamas o huesos de peces grandes, aunque para peces mediterráneos debe estar bien.