Foros Pesca Submarina > Clubes, campeonatos, cursos y concursos

Mundial de Grecia 2016, del 15-18 septiembre

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Segun entiendo, hay personas con problemas de decompresion ya en Grecia, sabeis si se trata de alguien de la seleccion Española ?


--- Cita de: CamiloDk en 01 de Septiembre de 2016, 10:19:31 am ---Segun entiendo, hay personas con problemas de decompresion ya en Grecia, sabeis si se trata de alguien de la seleccion Española ?

--- Fin de la cita ---
Por lo que yo entiendo, es sólo  el protocolo de seguridad en caso de accidente descompresivo ;)

URGENT: to all you spearos out there scouting in Syros for the Spearfishing Worlds; yesterday we had the third decompression sickness incident in the row, this time a serious one!

If any athlete experiences Decompression Sickness symptoms during the scouting period, he should immediately visit the Hermoupolis General Hospital and if the symptoms persist, request immediate air transportation to the Athens Naval Hospital.

This is not a joke, nor something to brag about, read the news here

Guys, it is Greece here, even if you dive at 100 meters the fish still won't be easy, so do not exceed your limits trying to get them. It is impossible to learn variable weight, new spearing techniques, get adopted to new gear and scout for fish in one or two weeks only! My suggestion as a spearo and a Spearfishing Instructor: stay close to your comfort zone and improve your technique, there are still fish at the 20-35m zone.

Let's make this epic competition one to remember for the great performances, fairplay and sportsmanship. Self awareness is the only way!

Este es el mensaje que mi colega noruego ha recibido... ahi lo pone muy claro...

Ostras si llevas razón,  3 accidentes de deco seguidos dice... pinta peligrosa la competición....

Joer....a que profundidad estaran pescando y a que ritmo??? [asombro] [asombro]


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